Using WiZ: basics
Smart Plug features
1. Smart Plugs react to ON and OFF commands only. Because they cannot dim and do not have light modes, they will not reply to commands co...
Identifying which light is being controlled.
When you tap on a light on the main screen, the corresponding light will gently pulse (dimming changes slightly) so you can easily identify ...
Selecting lights.
Tap on the room icon in the room ribbon to select all the lights of the room at once. Tap on one of the lights of the room to select only t...
Wi-Fi switches features
Wi-Fi switches will soon be available in WiZ.Wi-Fi switches let you add traditional lights into your WiZ system, so that you can control all...
Controlling the WiZ lights with widgets
iOS: To enable the WiZ widget on iOS, swipe right over the Home screen or Lock screen of the iPhone or iPad, and scroll to bottom to tap o...
Changing the light mode of WiZ lights.
From the main screen of the application, select the room in which your light is placed then – if need be – select the light by pressing on i...
Deleting a custom color.
In the light mode selector screen, swipe left on the color name and a delete button will appear. Press on the delete button to delete the c...
Deleting a custom white.
In the light mode selector screen, swipe left on the custom white temperature you want to remove and a delete button will appear. Press on ...
Quick switching between white temperatures.
When selecting any of the 3 simple white modes (Warm White, Daylight or Cool White), a special slider will appear on the main screen, allow...
Saving a custom color.
From the main screen of the application, open the light mode selector and select “Custom color”. Select the exact color you like, then pres...
Saving a custom white temperature.
From the main screen of the application, open the light mode selector and select “Custom white”. Select the exact white temperature you like...
Adjusting brightness of the lights.
For most light modes available, the application displays a brightness slider on the main screen. Use it to adjust the brightness of the lig...
Adjusting the speed of dynamic light modes.
When selecting any of the dynamic light modes, a “speed” slider will be displayed on the main screen, for you to adjust if you want the mod...
Switching off (or on) the whole home at once.
To quickly switch off all the home at once, do a long press on the OFF button of the app. Long press the ON button to switch on the whole h...
- WiZ Product Regulatory Compliance
- General Questions
- Getting Started
- Using WiZ: basics
- Using WiZ: fine tuning
- Questions about Sign in
- Invitations: sharing your lights
- Homes, Rooms, Groups
- WiZclick
- WiZ Scenes
- Scheduled Events
- Rhythms
- Power consumption and power outages
- Wi-Fi WiZmote
- Wi-Fi motion sensors
- Integration: Alice
- Integration: Google Assistant / Google Home
- Integration: Amazon Alexa
- Integration: Add to Siri
- Integration: IFTTT
- Integration: Samsung SmartThings
- Integration: Enki
- Integration: ImperiHome
- Integration: Mijia (Xiaomi)
- Open Source licenses
- WiZ Products Warranty
- iOS Migration
- WiZ Pro Products - Datasheets
- Fitas LED WiZ
- Interruptor dimmer/interruptores de circuito ou de 3 vias aconselha
- WiZ Pole Floor Lamp
- Matter
- Home Monitoring
- Dual Zone light
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