Homes, Rooms, Groups
Editing fade-in and fade-out settings for all the lights of a group.
Fade-in and Fade-out settings can be defined at group level, so as to apply to all the lights of the group. iOS: There are two ways to acc...
Editing fade-in and fade-out settings for all the lights of a Room.
Fade-in and Fade-out settings can be defined at room level, so as to apply to all the lights of the room.iOS: There are two ways to access r...
Deleting / leaving a Home.
iOS: Go to Settings tab > and scroll down to the bottom of the page and tap on the DELETE HOME button. A home cannot be deleted if th...
Using several WiZ Homes.
WiZ allows you to create as many Homes as you need. To create an additional Home: iOS: go to Settings tab, select Current Home then “Creat...
Creating a group.
Creating a group is simple. In the main screen of the WiZ application, long press on any light, within a room, and drag it onto another lig...
Creating a room.
iOS: You can either press on + at the far right of the rooms ribbon on the main screen or go to Settings tab > Rooms and select “Create ...
Selecting room type.
WiZ allows you to select the appropriate room type for each of your rooms, in order to make navigation easier. Additionally, WiZ provides y...
Re-ordering rooms.
You can change the display order of the rooms. iOS: Open the Settings tab and select the Rooms menu. Select “Edit” in the top right corner...
Re-ordering lights within a room.
iOS: Tap the Settings icon and select Lights. From this page, you can re-order the lights within the rooms by drag-and-drop after tapping E...
Re-ordering groups within a room.
iOS: Tap the Settings icon and select Lights. From this page, you can re-order the lights and groups within a room by tapping Edit in the t...
Adding more lights to a group.
In a room with an already existing group, long press on another light, then drag it onto the existing group. It will be added to that group...
Groups explained.
A group is made of a certain number of lights which “work” together: They appear as a single circle in your application, so you can easily ...
Renaming or deleting a room.
You can rename or delete a room from the room settings menu. Tap on the room name to rename, or scroll all the way down and tap on Delete t...
Re-ordering lights within a group.
iOS: Tap the Settings icon and select Lights. From this page, you can re-order the lights within the rooms by drag-and-drop after tapping E...
Renaming a group.
iOS: On the main screen, select the group then tap on the settings icon (cog icon). Tap on the name to edit it. Alternatively, you can also...
Removing a light from a group or deleting a group.
Long press on a group on the main screen, and it will expand. Then you can drag and drop any of the lights of the group outside of the grou...
- WiZ Product Regulatory Compliance
- General Questions
- Getting Started
- Using WiZ: basics
- Using WiZ: fine tuning
- Questions about Sign in
- Invitations: sharing your lights
- Homes, Rooms, Groups
- WiZclick
- WiZ Scenes
- Scheduled Events
- Rhythms
- Power consumption and power outages
- Wi-Fi WiZmote
- Wi-Fi motion sensors
- Integration: Alice
- Integration: Google Assistant / Google Home
- Integration: Amazon Alexa
- Integration: Add to Siri
- Integration: IFTTT
- Integration: Samsung SmartThings
- Integration: Enki
- Integration: ImperiHome
- Integration: Mijia (Xiaomi)
- Open Source licenses
- WiZ Products Warranty
- iOS Migration
- WiZ Pro Products - Datasheets
- Fitas LED WiZ
- Interruptor dimmer/interruptores de circuito ou de 3 vias aconselha
- WiZ Pole Floor Lamp
- Matter
- Home Monitoring
- Dual Zone light
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