Wi-Fi WiZmote
Choosing the right batteries for your WiZmote
WiZmotes require strong batteries that can deliver stable power to their Wi-Fi module.Please only use LR03 batteries, AAA size. LR03 are alk...
Changing the modes assigned to the buttons of a WiZmote
By default, the ①, ②, ③, ④ buttons of your remote are mapped to the 4 favorite modes of the room.If you want to change the mode assigned to ...
What is the Wi-Fi WiZmote?
The Wi-Fi WiZmote is a Wi-Fi remote control, introduced by WiZ in 2019. Every remote control is attached to one room in particular, and co...
Wi-Fi WiZmote features
The Wi-Fi WiZmote is using Wi-Fi to communicate with the lights of a single room only. For this reason, it requires to be paired to that ro...
Adding a Wi-Fi WiZmote to a room
To add a Wi-Fi WiZmote into a room, start by making sure that at least one of the WiZ lights of this room is powered on.Then, from the Home ...
Moving a Wi-Fi WiZmote to another room
If you want to move your Wi-Fi WiZmote to another room, open the settings of the app and go to the Accessories section. Tap on the remote y...
Deleting a Wi-Fi WiZmote
To delete a Wi-Fi WiZmote from your home, open the settings of the app and go to the "Accessories" section. Select the remote you want to d...
- WiZ Product Regulatory Compliance
- General Questions
- Getting Started
- Using WiZ: basics
- Using WiZ: fine tuning
- Questions about Sign in
- Invitations: sharing your lights
- Homes, Rooms, Groups
- WiZclick
- WiZ Scenes
- Scheduled Events
- Rhythms
- Power consumption and power outages
- Wi-Fi WiZmote
- Wi-Fi motion sensors
- Integration: Alice
- Integration: Google Assistant / Google Home
- Integration: Amazon Alexa
- Integration: Add to Siri
- Integration: IFTTT
- Integration: Samsung SmartThings
- Integration: Enki
- Integration: ImperiHome
- Integration: Mijia (Xiaomi)
- Open Source licenses
- WiZ Products Warranty
- iOS Migration
- WiZ Pro Products - Datasheets
- Fitas LED WiZ
- Interruptor dimmer/interruptores de circuito ou de 3 vias aconselha
- WiZ Pole Floor Lamp
- Matter
- Home Monitoring
- Dual Zone light
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