- Fade out cannot be applied when you use the power switch, since the device loses power immediately. This makes it impossible to gradually dim the LEDs
- If you make a change to fading settings while a device is disconnected, settings will only be applied once the device has been able to reconnect and download the new settings
- If you set a very long fade in or fade out time, it may take a while before you notice a change when you control the light. For long fade out values, the light should start by showing a little pulse to acknowledge that the command has been received
- If you start a fade out at very low brightness, or fade in towards a very low brightness, you may occasionally notice a bit of stepping in the progression, or that the timing doesn't reach the exact value you specified. This is because although most lights can dim very well, they still have a finite number of brightness steps. Those are usually invisible in short fading, but long fading and/or low brightness may make those more visible.
Known limitations
Последнее обновление: 550д