
如果您的设备似乎从未报告过任何功耗(应用程序显示 "N/A" 或 0),则可能化表该设备的参考测量尚未完成。

WiZ 系统使用设备向云端反馈的常规状态,对比实验室中测量的每种灯光模式和亮度的参考功率消耗数据,从而计算设备消耗的功率。

例如,如果 A19 灯泡向云端反馈它的状态為 “日落模式为50%”,WiZ 将知道该模式下的功耗以及特定型号的亮度,然后在应用程序中显示该数字。
For certain models, the reference data may take longer to gather. If WiZ has no reference data available, it will not display any power consumption in the app.

Disconnected device

If a device is disconnected from the WiZ cloud, it is not reporting any status, which prevents WiZ system from computing and displaying and power consumption data.

Smart plugs

As of May 2021, WiZ smart plugs do not feature power measurement, and as such will not indicate any power consumption in the app.
New plugs may include this feature in a near future.